Imagine a Citywide Network of Connected Bikeways ...

...that supports everyone from children to grandparents to feel safe riding to work, school, the grocery store, or anywhere in Minneapolis.

The Bikeways for Everyone campaign supports building 30 new miles of well-designed protected bikeways by 2020 to make an expanded citywide network. This network attracts people to our city, enhances businesses, reduces pollution, improves public health, adds new green space, and enhances quality of life.

What does a protected bikeway look like?

What does it feel like to ride on a protected bikeway or cycletrack?

Watch this video captured at the pop-up protected bikeway at Open Streets Mpls to find out!

Types of Bikeways



Protected Bike Lanes

Trails.jpg Greenways.jpg Protected_Bike_Lanes.jpg
Trails are completely separated from roads and used only by bicycles and... Greenways provide a
car-free space for
bikes and pedestrians...
Protected bike lanes put a physical barrier between traffic and bicyclists...

Pop-Up Protected Bikeway & Intersection Demo

What could protected intersections look like?
Watch this video captured at Open Streets Mpls to learn about protected intersections!

  • Current News

    A Protected Bikeway on University Ave SE

    University Ave Popup Bikeway

    Pop-up Bikeway on University Avenue as part of
    2015 Open Streets University of Minnesota.

    University Avenue, one of the highest traffic roads adjacent to the University of Minnesota, is due for repaving in 2018, opening a limited time opportunity to incorporate an upgrade to the current one-way bike lane. The Minneapolis Protected Bikeway Master Plan identifies the section between 1st Avenue NE to Oak Avenue as the potential location for a new one-way or two-way protected bike lane to serve these communities.

    University Avenue services all main entrances to the University of Minnesota East campus for commuters from Marcy Holmes, Dinkytown and Como neighborhoods, or in other words: a generous proportion of campus-goers and would-be campus bikers. UMN advocates have voiced support for the two-lane strategy over a single lane due to the high frequency of wrong way bikers opposing the one-way flow of University Ave, inviting collisions and unnerving both cyclist and driver.

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